


short animation created for artfight 2022, featuring 15 characters designed by other artists (credits in video)! this project took me around a week and a half of continuous work and is the biggest animated project ive done to date!!!!

how to start a cult

animated video delving into the backstory of the main antagonist of hexworld. audio was originally from the short film how to start a cult.

graphic design & layout

splatoon mock magazine

personal fanart project to create a pair of magazine spreads made to look from the world of the splatoon games.streetwear ashion is a big part of inkling and octoling culture, so i incorperated some of my favourite clothing items actually found in-game!my favourite part of the project was getting to break a lot of rules regarding the structure of the layouts in order to give it a rebellious feel.

the adventure zone cds

personal design project to create a set of CDs with music from the actual play podcast the adventure zone.the front of the cd cases were already designed by griffin mcelroy, so i extended the designs around to the back and spine, as well as created the disk art.all 8 cds are fully functional and i love listening to them :]


hourly comic day 2024

my comics for Hourly comic day, an annual event where artists make hourly autiobiographical comics. I have a lot of fun with it when i have the time to participate! this was my day february 1st, 2024.

hourly comic day 2022

my hourly comics on february 1st, 2022 (i missed 2023 </3)


this is a collection of artworks from recent years im most proud of. my favoured method of creating art is digital painting, which is a skill i started working on in 2021 and have evolved gradually since! i also love to do more cartoony stuff <3

artfight 2023 colour wheel

colour wheel featuring eight characters designed by other artists!my favourite part of this challenge was drawing characters that use colours i typically would not use, such as BADpinku's lovely yellow-furred oc, lotus!

merch designs

ive been running my own small art business since 2022 :D here's a selection of designs that i sell on my etsy and in-person at artist alleys!

character design

i design characters for fun, mostly for personal projects and occassionally fan-designs for media im passionate about! read about them in great detail if you wanna. or just look at the pictures <3

design exploration: my fursona

i recently redesigned my fursona, chip. originally they had a grey jumpsuit, but i wanted something a little more bright to represent me online.i chose to design them with a futuristic, spacey theme in mind to go with the whole "nebulee" thing. I had a few different colour palettes in mind before i settled on the green-blue gradient jacket and star glasses


character designs for my the comic project i'm writing with my girlfriend! its about two young adults whose lives are turned upside down when their tiny village is invaded by a cross-dimensional villain bent on freeing an evil god from its prison.a good chunk of characters in this comic follow a design philosophy i like to call "animal plus one"-- an axolotl + horns, a cat + bat wings, etc. i find it really fun to combine traits into unique animal characters!

sonic underground redesigns

a personal project to redesign the protagonists of the infamously lackluster DIC cartoon, sonic underground. this show is very close to my heart since i watched it as a kid and i wanted to draw my own take on the main characters.the trio are triplets and bandmates who use magical instruments as weapons. i wanted to unify their designs with a central element (their red jackets), while allowing their individual aesthetics to shine :)

design exploration: rowan and amber

character designs for two superhumans in a mundane world.amber is a pop star who wanted to be a super hero, but her ability to decorate her skin in light patterns proved not useful enough to make the cut. she wears cool, bold outfits incorporating the neon green of her hair and black and white checkerboard.

rowan is a metal manipulator who uses his ability to tinker with gadgets by day and run around as a vigilante by night. he wears comfy casual clothes and a mechanic-esque crime-fighting outfit.

redesign project: childhood sonic fan characters

these characters are from a redesign series i did on stream where i sat down and remade a handful of sonic fan characters i created around ages 8-11.the goal of the project was to create appealing designs while maintaining recognizable elements from the original illustrations, such as marina's ghostly form made more obvious and talin's robot limbs being extended across his whole body. This was a really fun project to do live!

meet my ocs!

if you like my designs and wanna learn more about the characters, click to visit their artfight profile :)


this is a handful of previous fanzines (and similar collaborative projects) i've participated in that i'm most proud of! it was wonderful to work alongside all my amazing fellow artist! physical zines are no longer available for order, but zines released for free will have a link to check them out <3

arty siege (2023)

card artist - collab project to make a printable, playable version of the tableturf card minigame from splatoon 3! i contributed art for two cards (glooga dualies and ultra stamp)

Full s.t.e.a.m. ahead! (2022)

page artist - original character zine centered on women and non-binary people in steam (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics)! featuring sibling characters moon and lyrica enjoying a break from their work.

splatbattle! (2022)

page artist - splatoon fanzine focusing on the games' many stages! i did a spread of blackbelly skatepark as it appears in the original splatoon game, which is my favourite in the game! :)

ties of time (2021)

merch artist - fanzine centred on the legend of zelda: ocarina of time and majora's mask. i made an acrylic keychain based on the hookshot that i now sell on my etsy!

direct from subject (2020)

page artist - the magnus archives fanzine, covering content from each episode. i did art for one of my favourites, episode 111! it incorporates various symbols from across the show's run

commissions are currently: OPEN!


info and terms of service All prices are in Canadian Dollars. please come prepared with references, either of your character or real-life photos of what you are looking for!!! Payment will be up-front through PayPal. Refunds will be available up until the completion of the first sketch. I am open to doing 50% upfront and 50% after completion depending on the piece. turnaround time is 2-3 weeks, but will vary depending on complexity of the piece and how busy my personal life is. If you have a specific completion date in mind, let me know and I will do my best to accommodate! :) you are completely free to use finished for personal use, with credit. You may not use it for profit (mass production, reselling artwork, minting artwork as NFTs, etc). i reserve the right to refuse or refund a commission for any reason

i WILL draw: original and fan characters
real people (stylized)
furries and scalies
pretty much anything not on my "won't" list, ask me! :)

i WILL NOT draw:x sexually explicit content
x hateful imagery
x excessive gore
x ship content involving incest, real life celebrities, minor x adult, etc

thank you for your interest! :)

character art

simple shading

lined OR linelessbust - $30
halfbody - $45
fullbody - $55
+50% per additional character

detailed shading

lined OR linelessbust - $45
halfbody - $60
fullbody - $70
+50% per additional character

painted style

bust - $60
halfbody - $80
fullbody - $100
+50% per additional character



doodle page


small doodle page, somewhere between simple shading and detailed shading. has 3-4 doodles, similar to the examples below <3you can pick the poses or tell me a bit about your character and i can surprise you!+$15 for additional poses


flat colours, gradients, dots/lines, simple shapes, etc - no additional cost!

simple background

simple silhoettes
minimal shading
includes large props and elements like a chair, a horse, a bike, etc


full background

detailed scenery
with or without character(s)
price dependent on detail - please ask me!


teeny scene

small part of a scene surrounding the character
matches the style of the character


isometric scene

square chunk of a scene- interior or exteriorprice dependent on detail - please ask me!


character reference sheets

basic ref sheet $100

i can do ref sheets for an existing character OR i can help make you an original design (more information).all ref sheets include: front and back view of the character
1 additional view for clothing layers, to show location of skin markings, alternate forms, etc (optional)
1-2 props (optional)
1-2 close-ups or details (optional)
any text you want in there (name, pronouns, bio, design notes, etc)


additional close-ups/detail
additional props
alternate outfits
alternate hairstyles


please ask for more pricing details!

if you don't have any art of your character, or you'd like me to make you a design, that's a-okay! i can work with: any real-world images of clothing, hair, etc
descriptions (please be detailed!)
mood boards, aesthetic pictures, music, etc
please come prepared with at least a little something to show me your idea and we can work from there :) ! dm me if you have any questions!


i can do square or circle icons, icons with pride flags, etc! please ask :) matching icons/icon sets are 50% off each additional icon after the first!

style A icons$15

style b icons$20

navigation: character art | backgrounds/scenery | ref sheets | icons | animation | pngtubers


short animated loops and animatics! please keep in mind the turnaround time for these are much longer than usual due to the nature of animation!

simple loop $80+

one or two moving elements, such as a tail, arms, or an expression change simple shading onlybust - $80
halfbody - $100
fullbody - $150

frame-by-frame loop $120+

1-3 seconds of movement simple shading onlybust - $120
halfbody - $150
fullbody - $200

animated video $100+

uncoloured or flat colour with or without audio price dependent on length, please contact me with your idea and i can give you an estimate! below are some samples to give you an idea of the pricing structure :)

Sample A: no colour, simple movement, 27sec


sample B: flat colour, simple movement, 14sec


sample C: no colour, complex movement, 36sec


(content warnings: cults, blood, insects, eyes/scopo, gunshot)


a little talking avatar for your livestreams! available in lined or lineless (all samples here are lineless). the base price includes: 3 expressions of your choice with an open mouth version, closed mouth version, and blinks 1-2 optional props of your choice (i.e. drawing tablet, microphone, chair behind avatar, etc)


additional expressions

all additional expressions after the three base ones are $5 each!

animated elements

$30 each for animated loops-- tails, arms, etc. can be applied to all expression sprites :)

alt outfits & props

$30 each for alt outfits on static sprites $50 for an outfit that changes an animated element (such as a shirt sleeve on a moving arm). $5 for small accessories like hats $5-$20 additional props (ask me!)

say hi if you wanna!

email: [email protected]discord: wackysnackytwitter, instagram, and tumblr: nebuleeartor fill out the form and it'll make its way to me!

they/them | 19 | 4/23

hi, i'm lee! i'm a freelance designer, illustrator, and self-described goofyguy from saskatchewan, canada!i like to draw (no duh) but i also love games and comics, and i have a soft spot for movies that could be described by most as "objectively terrible in every conceivable way". i have seen morbius (2022) 13 times to date.my commissions are currently open, and i'm always looking for odd art jobs. feel free to reach out if you think i'd be a good fit for your project <3